Submit Your Resume

Groupe OptiNursing has established itself as a healthcare service provider of choice for health institutions and for the home. Our clients know from experience that we select only nursing graduates and caregivers of the highest expertise.
Profiles sought
We value your vast experience. Join our team and help make a difference. We retain all valid applications for at least one year. We are looking for :
- Nurses
- Registered nurses
- Registered nursing assistants
- Nursing aids
- Patient sitters
- Coordinators
- Respiratory therapists
- Personal support assistants
What you will find at Groupe OptiNursing
- A competitive salary
- A work schedule in line with your needs
- No mandatory schedule pressure
- A diversified work experience
- The opportunity to explore new horizons
- A workers' compensation insurance
- A team manager with listening skills
A relationship based on respect
Professional nurses hired at OptiNursing tell us they are treated with respect and are fulfilled working here. We believe that our quality personnel accounts for much in the reputation and development of our agency.
Would you like to join our dynamic team ?
Submit your resume and your time availability.